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Chris Tann
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Scientists Should Not Dismiss Genesis So Quickly
by Chris Tann innasa discovery proves the bible scientifically accurate.
the debate.
for decades there has been a long standing debate between science and religion as to the validity of the biblical genesis account of creation.
Scientists Should Not Dismiss Genesis So Quickly
by Chris Tann innasa discovery proves the bible scientifically accurate.
the debate.
for decades there has been a long standing debate between science and religion as to the validity of the biblical genesis account of creation.
Chris Tann
I will still learn about evolution, and read posts on here. I think perhaps my posts on JW's teachings may b out of place here ,thats all. But u r correct,I posted this article,and I must humbly accept any ridicule with an open mind.
Scientists Should Not Dismiss Genesis So Quickly
by Chris Tann innasa discovery proves the bible scientifically accurate.
the debate.
for decades there has been a long standing debate between science and religion as to the validity of the biblical genesis account of creation.
Chris Tann
Thank you all for your insightful responses. Some things that you have written are things that I can find answers to and others not. I guess Iam going to keep searching...however, I will keep favoring the creator belief. But who knows what the future can bring? Im thinking that this site may not be for me. I was looking for a site with fading JW's who need help deciding. I did not intend to argue creation and evolution. I just may visit now and then but not post anything.thnx.
Scientists Should Not Dismiss Genesis So Quickly
by Chris Tann innasa discovery proves the bible scientifically accurate.
the debate.
for decades there has been a long standing debate between science and religion as to the validity of the biblical genesis account of creation.
Chris Tann
I would like to apologize for posting such a lengthy article. I'm new at this and was not sure what I was doing technically. Wont happen again.
Apognophos: Thank you so much for your respectful disagreement. I will now like to atempt to respond to your statements."creation of plants before the sun was shinning"; in verse 3 light comes through. Just as the article states,the dense cloud of debris gradually get devoured by the forming planet. I would say that verse 3 is explaining when enough debris is gone for sun light to shine on the surface but not completely gone for the sun to be seen yet by an observer.
"Animals created before plants"; Chapter 2:4-6 is describing the condition of the earth that is the time period between chp.1:9 and vs.11; land had been formed but no rain,therefore the seeds could not germinate. But as chp.2 vs.6 states, a mist went up and watered the whole land. I would assume that misting seed might take longer to saturate it than a downpour of rain. This speaking of a mist would imply that the seeds of grass and trees eventually grew. We can see that there was vegitation before animals because in vs. 8-9 there is a garden and trees for food. Also in vs. 10 a river is formed to water the garden. It is not until vs.19 that animals are created. Vegitation before animals.
Scientists Should Not Dismiss Genesis So Quickly
by Chris Tann innasa discovery proves the bible scientifically accurate.
the debate.
for decades there has been a long standing debate between science and religion as to the validity of the biblical genesis account of creation.
Chris Tann
Wow!!! I guess this web site is predominantly of atheist members. Only one believer in God responded. The funny thing is ,he or she was respectful, everyone else mean spirited. I understand that this argument can foster intense emotions,and I welcome knowledge unknown to me that condradicts my beliefs. However, why can't these be posted in a way that shows respect for the other person and their beliefs? Okay, you are absolutley correct, evolution is true and Genesis is a myth. There is no way in a million years that evolution can be proven untrue. But resorting to insults and the sort wont convince me, it just pushes me away.
I would like someone to take one subject at a time regarding why they believe Genesis is inaccurate, and I will see if I can resonably adress it. Thank you all.
Scientists Should Not Dismiss Genesis So Quickly
by Chris Tann innasa discovery proves the bible scientifically accurate.
the debate.
for decades there has been a long standing debate between science and religion as to the validity of the biblical genesis account of creation.
Chris Tann
Sorry for the lenghth. Dont know how to do everything on my Kindle. I was reading how the universe was very bright at first so the earth could not be in darkness as Genesis says. This discovery shows that planets are formed in their own dark cocoon so to speak. As the planet sucks in the dust and such around it, gradually light penetrates to it's surface.
This can be what Gen. says when reporting "let there be light." The sun and stars had already been created, the light from it was blocked and gradually came through. Cofty, just because Iam reading one book about evolution, doesn't mean I'm going to believe it right off the bat. Sometimes things seem 100% true. All evidence points to it being true, but as time goes on things are proved otherwise.
A true example: awhile back a notorious criminal was arguing with a policeman. The officer was shot and injured. The criminal did have a gun on him, he was known for this kind of activity, he even admitted that he shot the officer. Later it was brought out that the officer had an illegal pen gun in his shirt pocket and in the scuffle it went off. When asked why the criminal lied about shooting him he said that nobody would believe him over an officer, so he pled guilty to get a lighter sentence. Point is dont discount something totally. Always leave room for further discoveries. Doesn't mean you have to believe it, just put a pin in it.
Scientists Should Not Dismiss Genesis So Quickly
by Chris Tann innasa discovery proves the bible scientifically accurate.
the debate.
for decades there has been a long standing debate between science and religion as to the validity of the biblical genesis account of creation.
Chris Tann
NASA Discovery Proves The Bible Scientifically Accurate
The Debate
For decades there has been a long standing debate between science and religion as to the validity of the Biblical Genesis account of creation. There have even been different opinions among various groups of creationists. A good part of that debate has centered on the Bible’s description of how the earth formed. The questions vying for clear cut answers have been; why does the Bible appear to suggest that the earth was created in six literal days, when science suggest it was formed over 4.5 billion years, and why does the Bible appear to suggest that the sun, moon, and stars were created after the earth was formed, when science suggest otherwise?
On the surface the Bible appears to be confusing in its statements, and out of step with today's science, but believe it or not, there now appears to be a very simple reason why that is the case. In recent years, much scientific light on the subject of planet formation has come to the fore through recent discoveries made by NASA's Hubble and Spitzer telescopes. On examining closely the scientific details of planet formation, and viewing Genesis in its original Hebrew context, it becomes profoundly clear why the Genesis account appears confusing and inaccurate, when in reality Genesis brief description of planet formation coincides exactly with the findings of these two telescopes.
According to the data scientist gathered in 2004 from the dusty disk surrounding the star system CoKu Tau 4 in the Taurus constellation, planets like the Earth are formed from leftover waste and debris from their central star.
Planets in their early stages form inside a proto-planetary disc of dust from a formless and chaotic state in total darkness. This data corresponds exactly to what is stated at Genesis 1 verse 2. "Now the earth proved to be formless and waste."
Before this discovery, no one in the religious or scientific field could clearly interpret or make any logical sense of this Biblical statement; it is profound to say the least that Genesis states that the earth at some stage was in a formless condition just as these discoveries have revealed!
When you view this and the following NASA's videos simulating this planet forming process, along with the supporting data, and compare it to Genesis brief description of Earth's formation, the Bible's description of planet formation is amazingly accurate in view of the fact that the Hebrew word translated 'day' (yom) can mean various lengths of time, not just a 24 hour period. This indicates that the six creative days of Genesis were six creative phases of an unspecified length, which coincides with these scientific discoveries where light from the sun, emerged gradually.
Hubble and Spitzer's discoveries revealed that as a planet matures inside its dusty cocoon it gradually sucks up all the dust between it and the sun. In the early stages of this process, only diffused light would have reached the planet as it slowly emerged from complete darkness. This early stage of earth’s formation corresponds exactly to the statement at Genesis 1 verse 3 for day one. "Let light come to be."
Only in the later stages of this process would the direct light from the already existing sun, moon, and stars be visible from the earth as all the dust dissipates. These discoveries correspond to the description given at Genesis 1 verse 14 for day four. "Let luminaries come to be in the expanse of the heavens." Genesis is not saying that the luminaries were created at this point on day four, when you consider this statement in its original Hebrew context, as you will learn below; the luminaries simple became visible, once the atmosphere cleared. Before this discovery, no one could clearly interpret or make any logical sense of this Biblical statement because it appeared to say the luminaries were created on day four; once again this scientific data is profound! Spitzer's discoveries have unraveled this long time mystery, and removed much confusion about Genesis.
The perception by many has been that the earth was created first, in six 24-hour days, and the sun, moon, and stars, came later on day four. These discoveries by Spitzer bring clarity to this account showing that earth formed from dust and debris from the sun for millions to billions of years prior to day one. From day one forward light emerge slowly for perhaps millions of years, some diffused light by day one, and full light by day four, allowing the already existing sun, moon and stars to finally be visible from earth.
The following presentation is based on the detailed scientific discoveries on proto-planetary disc made in recent years by the NASA's Hubble and Spitzer telescopes. It is inside these discs where planets like earth form from thick clouds of dust, which provide conclusive answers to settle this ongoing debate and unravel some of the mystery about how earth was created. It is also based upon a study of the Hebrew language to get to the original meaning conveyed by words used, such as day, create, make, light, and luminaries to capture the true context of the creation account.
The following presentation of this subject matter is the results of five years of intensive research. There are many links to NASA’s data that contain much detail on planet formation that validates these scientific findings. If you have the patience to follow the links, and study the details presented below, you will be rewarded with a clearer scientific understanding of how planets like earth form in a way that coincides with Genesis brief description of earth’s creation, in the context of its original Hebrew language.
Modern science has proved to be a very valuable tool to man in his quest to understand how we got here. Often time's science gets it right, but sometimes it gets it wrong, at least for a while. Many times in the past those in the scientific
field had to readjust their thinking about what earlier appeared as a fact. This has often been due to new facts, or technology, or a new interpretation of the existing science. For example; in the early 1900's the prevailing view of the cosmos was that the universe consisted entirely of the Milky Way Galaxy.
However, using the Hooker Telescope at Mt. Wilson, Edwin Hubble identified the Andromeda and Triangulum Nebulae. His observations, made in 1922–1923, proved conclusively that these nebulae were much too distant to be part of the Milky Way and were, in fact, entire galaxies outside our own. This idea had been opposed by many in the astronomy establishment of the time. Today, due to the discoveries made by the Hubble telescope we now understand that the universe is made up of over 125-billion galaxies, and that number continues to grow as we peer deeper into space. This and many other scientific examples clearly demonstrate that a scientific theory of how things happened is just that until all the facts are established beyond doubt. History has shown that in time the facts will surface.
Perception sometimes hides the true reality. The general perception is that the ocean is blue, but when you examine the facts you will find it is not blue at all, but clear. The perception by many today is that the Genesis record says God created the earth in six literal days, and the sun, moon, and stars were created after the earth was formed. This belief has put Genesis and science at odds, because such a view goes against modern day scientific discoveries.
To determine the true color of the ocean, you need to examine all the facts in order to uncover the truth. The same is true with the Genesis account, and all the facts must match the science. Click on the images in this presentation for more details.
Just as with science, sometimes the Bible is misinterpreted due to not enough information. For example: in Galileo’s day the Catholic church believed the earth was the center of the universe, when science had discovered otherwise. A readjustment in the church’s interpretation of the Bible had to be acknowledged.
When many read the Genesis account in their native tongue, such as English, they are lead to the perception of creation mentioned above. What is the truth, and does it match today's science? The truth is that when you examine the Genesis account in the context of its original Hebrew language a completely different picture emerges from today's perception.
In the scriptures, the Hebrew word for "day" ('yom') is often used in a literal, figurative, or even symbolic sense representing various lengths of time. In Biblical Hebrew, the meaning of a word almost always depends on the context. On the first creative day, "God began calling the light Day, but the darkness he called Night." Here only a portion of a 24-hour period is defined by the term "day". There is no basis in the Scriptures for arbitrarily stating that each day was 24-hours long. There are numerous examples in the Hebrew text where the word "day" represented more than a 24-hour period, which proves to be the reasonable and obvious approach to the Genesis account in view of the known scientific discoveries.
For example; when summarizing God's creative work, Moses referred to all six creative days as one day at Genesis 2:4. Many Bible scholars today recognize these were not six literal 24 hour days, and agree with today's science. When examined in this original Hebrew context, the Bible's description in Genesis and today's scientific discoveries about planet formation coincide, as you will see in detail below in this compilation of scientific discoveries made by NASA's Hubble and Spitzer telescopes in recent years.
The creation account given in Genesis is not an eye-witness account, because there were no humans present when these events took place. The Bible doesn't state how long the creative days were; however the wording of Genesis chapter one and two indicates that considerable lengths of time were involved. Also you must take into account, Moses wrote Genesis from an earthly perspective. When reading Genesis, today’s reader must also keep in mind that Genesis was written thirty-five hundred years ago in Hebrew, in simple terms or language for a people who had no knowledge of science or astronomy. The language employed is not scientific or technical in nature.
Biblical Hebrew contained very few words relative to today’s modern languages. Strong's exhaustive concordance lists 8674 words in the Hebrew dictionary. The actual number of root words is usually taken to be around 2500. By way of contrast, the Merriam Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, unabridged lists over 450,000 words and the Oxford English Dictionary1989 (2nd edition) lists over 615,000 words. Therefore, the Biblical Hebrew vocabulary was much smaller than most modern languages. It stands to reason that most Hebrew words like the word for day had several meanings, which were to be interpreted based on the surrounding context. Also, it was not possible in Biblical Hebrew to express many of the nuances we find in modern languages.
In the creation account there was no need at the time for God to give man the fine details we have today about how the universe formed, because no one would have understood the science behind gravity, star, galaxy, or planet formation, as we know it today. Think of it this way; why would a parent try to explain to an infant how they were conceived and developed in the womb? It would be pointless to do so until the infant matured and was equipped with much more knowledge and comprehension.
While it is not a science book, when examined closely in the context of its original Hebrew language Genesis proves to be scientifically accurate when it comes to scientific matters regarding the creation of the universe, the earth, and especially when it comes to planet formation as has been revealed in recent scientific discoveries. We are now getting the details from Hubble and Spitzer that Genesis left out.
Genesis and Astronomy Come Together to Give a Full and Accurate Picture of Creation
Genesis 1:1 __Universe Forms
In [the] beginning God created the heavens and the earth.The Bible states, "In the beginning God Created ('bara') Heaven and Earth" (The Hebrew word "bara" "means bring into tangible existence, to literally create anew. This Hebrew word is different than the word ('a•sah') used later in Genesis 1:16 regarding the moon, and stars, mentioned on day four.
A number of Bible scholars agree that this statement describes an action separate from the six creative days from verse 3 onward. The implication is profound. According to the Bible’s opening words, the universe, including the stars, and our planet, Earth, was in existence for an indefinite time before the six creative days began.
The Bible, at Genesis 1:1 does not specify the actual age of the heavens and earth and is not at odds with the science that indicates that the universe is over 13 billion years old. While this basic biblical statement made by Moses, left out the details of the creation of heaven and earth, no doubt April 24, 1990, will go down in history as man’s greatest scientific accomplishment to date toward learning the details of this dramatic event.
With the launch of the Hubble space telescope in 1990, and later the Spitzer telescope in 2003, man for the first time, was able to look back in time to photograph and study how the universe formed. Hubble has peered back over thirteen billions years to within 380 million years of what is commonly known as the Big Bang, to see how stars, galaxies and finally planets formed.
What Hubble, and Spitzer have captured is truly remarkable, and in fact, a photo drama of creation itself, and is providing mankind with a front row seat to the greatest cinematic drama in human history; the creation of an Awe-inspiring Universe!
From our seemingly microscopic vantage point in the vast universe, this universal event would have appeared as a massive explosion of energy from a point of singularity, but what eventually emerged from it was anything but a chaotic explosion. Hubble has revealed a cosmic web that serves as the backbone to an orderly universe. This dynamic event matches the Genesis simple statement "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." No details were given as to how this was accomplished, only the Who. We are now getting the details through our insatiable quest to the stars.
Now you may ask; how can you get orderly design out of an immense explosion of energy? Here is one example. Have you ever been to a fireworks display?
What did you see? You saw an explosion of raw energy in the form of gunpowder, yet it resulted in a beautiful organized display of color and design. Fireworks (devices) take many forms to produce the four primary effects: noise, light, smoke, and floating materials.
Fireworks were originally invented by the Chinese for entertainment purposes. This was a natural extension of the Chinese invention of gunpowder. In China, they were first made by fireworks masters who were well-respected for their knowledge of the many complex techniques used to create truly dazzling fireworks displays. Yes, complex techniques required by skilled craftsmen are necessary to create the right effects, not just some gunpowder packed into a rocket and exploded. This is one of countless examples that creative design requires intelligence.
The Universe may have begun with what appears to us as a dynamic explosion of energy, as the theory suggests, but it was not a disorganized explosion like a keg of gunpowder exploding on a universal scale.
The Hubble and Spitzer telescopes have revealed that galaxy clusters and super clusters are structured in forms that resemble filaments in a massive cosmic web. The universe may have emanated from an explosive beginning, much like a beautiful exploding fireworks display, but it appears to have been controlled and organized by technical and creative design. By clicking on the image above you can view The Millennium Simulation which was run in 2005 by the Virgo Consortium, an international group of astrophysicists from Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan and the United States to show the complex structure of the universe. Turn up your sound volume and listen to the peaceful music as our structurally complex universe unfolds.
Perhaps the DNA of the universe, so to speak, was built into the initial cosmic seed that grew into the complex cosmic web we call our universe, just as an embryo with its DNA built in, can in time, grow into a complex human being, or like how a single acorn seed can grow into a forest as it feeds upon energy rich soil. There is an obvious connection between the growth and expansion of star and galaxy structure in the universe and dark energy. No doubt as our quest to know increases, we will gain a better understanding of how it all came to be. The galaxies, stars and planets all move in graceful precision —truly a living orchestra playing in symphony as if they are being conducted by a Grand Master conductor.
Earth Forms From Star Dust
Genesis 1:2 ___Earth Formless
"Now the earth proved to be formless and waste and there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep"Without knowing the scientific process behind planet formation, for generations this statement has made no logical sense to Bible scholars or scientist. However in 2004 astronomers using NASA's Spitzer Space
Telescope probed the dusty disks that surround young stars, to look for the earliest signs of the formation of planetary systems. What they found (as depicted in this NASA video), in the disk surrounding the star CoKu Tau 4 in the Taurus constellation clearly match’s the brief description of planet formation described in the book of Genesis regarding earth’s own formation.
According to the data scientist gathered from this telescope, planets like the Earth are formed from leftover waste and debris from their central star. According to these discoveries, planets form inside a proto-planetary disc, starting out in a formless and chaotic state in total darkness. This planet forming process profoundly corresponds to what is stated at Genesis 1 verse 2. “Now the earth proved to be formless and waste." At this early stage of formation the earth would not have had a defined form or shape as it does today.
"Asteroids are the leftover building blocks of rocky planets like Earth. We can't directly see other terrestrial planets, but now we can study their dusty fossils." Dr. Charles Beichman of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif
Discoveries show, as planets grow in size, they remain deep inside this vast cloud of dust hidden from the light of their central star in its early stages, as seen in this NASA produced image. As dust and debris clumped together to form the core of earth it was if, it was in-capsulated inside a cocoon of dust in total darkness for perhaps millions to billions of years, before any luminaries such as the sun, moon, and stars would be visible from earth.
Preparing Earth For Intelligent Life
GENESIS 1:3 Day 1 __ Diffused Light
"Let there be light," ('ohr'). (The Hebrew word here used for "light" is 'ohr, meaning light in a general sense / diffused light). This word has a different meaning than the word used on day four (ma•'ohr), meaning the source of the light. In other words the source of the light, the sun, was not visible until day four, only diffused light was visible from earth at this early stage.
Genesis 1:1, 2 relates to a time before the six creative "days". When these “days "mentioned in verse 3 commenced, the sun, stars, and earth were already in existence. A careful consideration of the Genesis account reveals that events starting during one "day" continued into one or more of the following "days". For example before the first creative "day" started, light from the already existing sun was somehow prevented from reaching earth’s surface, possibly by the remaining proto-planetary dust or thick atmospheric clouds, (Job 38:9) or at some point when the Sun transitioned from a protostar into a main-sequence star to generate enough light to break through the dense atmosphere, or a combination of all these conditions. During the first "day" this barrier began to clear, allowing diffused light to penetrate the atmosphere.
The Hubble and Spitzer telescopes have observed proto-planetary disc fade over time which would have allowed, onlydiffused light (not direct sun light) from the sun to gradually penetrate earth's water (murky water at first) covered surface, and dense cloud mass corresponding to day one of the Genesis account.
This momentous event that was necessary for life to form was the first of six creative phases the earth would need to go through in order to prepare it for intelligent human life to come.
The discoveries simulated in this NASA video could be seen as the most important piece of scientific evidence to date in support of the Genesis account. As you watch this NASA video keep in mind that it represents billions of years of time as the earth formed. It represents the full act of earth's creation from a formless state, with tiny partials of dust and debris clumping together(prior to day one). Notice how the earth remains in darkness, as it slowly forms into a full grown planet hidden inside the dense clouds. As the dust cleared in the beginning as it was sucked up by the planets, light from the sun gradually reached (on day one) earth’s surface. Diffused light at first set into motion a process of photosynthesis used by plants and other organisms to convert the light energy captured from the sun into chemical energy that would be used to fuel the organism's activities that eventually lead to a planet teaming with vegetation to serve as food for other life to come on days five and six.
As the dust in the solar system cleared away in its mature stage, direct light from the already existing sun, moon and stars became visible, to distinguish between day and night, to serve as a means to keep time, and serve as luminaries to provide points of navigation for the migration of birds and animals. Finally, in time the earth would be ready for human habitation.
Notice the swirling cloud of dust as it rotates around the sun and how the earth is gradually exposed to the sun’s light. This planet forming process follows Genesis description of the earth’s creation. In the early stages there is only swirling clouds of dust, where inside, the formless dust and debris clump (prior to day 1 "formless and waste,") together to form the planet. As time passes the clouds begin to dissipate slowly at first and faster toward the end (day 1 "let there be light") as it is sucked by both the planet and the sun. At the end of the process the earth is finally exposed to the full light of the sun, moon, and stars. (day 4 "two great luminaries… and the stars")
It is quite profound that Geneses first mentions that the earth was formless and waste in its beginning exactly as Spitzer discovered, and that the earth was cover in darkness. It is also profound that Genesis describes light reaching earth in phases exactly as Spitzer discovered. The light from the sun would be the only light strong enough to penetrate earth’s thick atmosphere at first. The light from the moon and stars would not be seen till later when the earth’s thick atmosphere cleared.
Such dusty disks as simulated in the above NASA video are where planets are thought to be born. Dust grains clump together like snowballs to form larger rocks, and then the bigger rocks collide to form the cores of planets. As you watched, it represented billions of years of time while the planet was maturing, and that light reaching the earth would have been a slow and gradual process.
Think of the transition process that accrued on earth between day one and day four this way; say you woke one morning before dawn to a very dense fog (the fog representing all the dust and thick clouds that's blocking the sun). At first you would be in total darkness, then slowly you would see diffused light, and as the fog slowly begun to dissipate you would begin to see direct sun light. As the fog continued to clear you would see the lingering moon and some stars as dawn approached. That was the transition phase the earth was in until the end of "day" four based on these scientific discoveries.
In 2005 a stellar prodigy was spotted about 450 light-years away in a system called UX Tau A by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope. Astronomers suspect this system's central Sun-like star, which is just one million years old, may already be surrounded by young planets. They saw a gap, potentially carved out by planets, around a dusty Sun-like star. In almost all other star systems of this age, they typically saw a primordial disk -- a thick disk of dust, without any clearings. When rocks revolve around their central star, they act like giant cosmic vacuum cleaners, picking up all the gas and dust in their path and creating gaps.
GENESIS 1: 6 Day 2 __ An Expanse
And God went on to say "Let an expanse come to be in between the waters and let a dividing occur between the waters and the waters"
Genesis 1:2 mentions the watery deep, indicating that for some time prior to "day" one, the earth was already covered with water which is consistent to what scientist have discovered. A new model of the early Earth suggests that until around 2.5 billion years ago oceans covered almost the whole of the planet. At some point on "day" two there occurred a separating of the waters that were on the earth and the thick clouds that would be above the earth creating an expanse between the ocean and a thick gloom of clouds. Even though some of the dust would have been sucked up by the planet by now, the water covering the earth as well as the thick atmosphere would remain clouded for some time allowing only diffused light to filter through. The moon and stars would not be visible during this early stage.
GENESIS 1:9 Day 3 __ Dry Land Appears
And God went on to say: "Let the waters under the heavens be brought together into one place and let the dry land appear"
About a billion years ago, scientists think the continents emerged relatively suddenly from an ocean that covered 95 percent of the Earth's surface, according to a new theory by Eldridge Moores, a geologist at the University of California. The appearance of large masses of dry land would have caused more extreme weather, changes in ocean currents and the emergence of proper seasons. In turn, these environmental changes may have led to rise in atmospheric oxygen that enabled the explosion of new life forms around 500 million years ago.
And God went on to say:
"Let the earth cause grass to shoot forth, vegetation bearing seed, fruit trees yielding fruit according to their kinds".
As the sun's light gradually reached earth the process of photosynthesis began to occur, and the earth was blanketed with green vegetation of every kind to serve as food for living creatures that would arrive during days five and six. The Bible’s narrative allows for the possibility that major events during each day, or creative period, occurred gradually rather than instantly.
GENESIS 1:16 Day 4 __Full Unobstructed Light
"And God proceeded to make the two great luminaries, the greater luminary for dominating the day and the lesser luminary for dominating the night, and also the stars."
"And God proceeded to make ('a•sah') the two great luminaries (ma•'ohr), the greater luminary for dominating the day and the lesser luminary for dominating the night, and also the stars." (the Hebrew word 'a•sah' does not mean to create as with 'bara' in Genesis 1:1 where it says "God created Heaven and Earth," but rather to accomplish, bestow, or bring to completion / in this case make visible or bring to completion what was already existing). The Hebrew word ma•'ohr', means the source of the light.
The source of the once diffused light (seen since day one) is now fully revealed (by day four) to be the already existing sun. This is evident by the discoveries by Hubble and Spitzer made from 2004 - 2007 as they observed the dense dust around young planets, opposed to, very little dust around older, more mature planets.
The "Ohr" ("Light") stems from the "Ma'ohr" ("Luminary"), the source of the light.
In 2004 two of NASA's Great Observatories, the Spitzer Space Telescope and the Hubble Space Telescope, provided astronomers an unprecedented look at dusty planetary debris around stars the size of our Sun. Spitzer has discovered for the first time dusty discs around mature, Sun-like stars known to have planets. Hubble captured the most detailed image ever of a brighter disc circling a much younger Sun-like star. The findings offer "snapshots" of the process by which our own solar system formed, from its dusty and chaotic beginnings to its more settled present-day state.
"Young stars have huge reservoirs of planet-building materials, while older ones have only leftover piles of rubble. Hubble saw the reservoirs and Spitzer, the rubble," said Dr. Charles Beichman of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. He is lead author of the Spitzer study. "This demonstrates how the two telescopes complement each other," he added.
The young star observed by Hubble is 50 million to 250 million years old. This is old enough to theoretically have gas planets, but young enough that rocky planets like Earth may still be forming. The six older stars studied by Spitzer average 4 billion years old, nearly the same age as the Sun. They are known to have gas planets, and rocky planets may also be present. Prior to these findings, rings of planetary debris, or "debris discs," around stars the size of the Sun had rarely been observed, because they are fainter and more difficult to see than those around more massive stars.
Debris discs around older stars the same size and age as our Sun, including those hosting known planets, is even harder to detect. These discs are 10 to 100 times thinner than the ones around young stars. Spitzer's highly sensitive infrared detectors were able to sense their warm glow for the first time.
Rocky planets arise out of large clouds of dust that envelop young stars. Dust particles collide and stick together until a planet eventually forms. Sometimes the accumulating bodies crash together and shatter. Debris from these collisions collects into giant doughnut-shaped discs, the centers of which may be carved out by orbiting planets. With time, the discs fade and a smaller, stable debris disc, like the comet-filled Kuiper Belt in our own solar system, is all that is left.
These discoveries made by Hubble and Spitzer of how planets form from clouds of thick dust in darkness, and mature over time as the dust dissipates gives a clear and correct understanding of the Genesis account.
From this scientific data it appears that day one would correspond to what Hubble observed about the early stages of young planets, 50 million to 250 million years old that had clouds of thick dust. In this early stage, only diffused light from the sun would reach the earth, and the moon and stars would not be visible from earth's surface.
It appears that day four would correspond to what Spitzer observed about the later stages of older planets that averaged 4 billion years old where the discs faded and a smaller, stable debris disc, like the comet-filled Kuiper Belt in our own solar system, is all that is left. In this later stage the direct light from the sun would be visible, as well as the moon and stars, as could now be seen from earth's surface.
In light of these scientific discoveries it is clear that the current belief by some, that the earth was created before the sun, and stars, is a mis-application of the scriptural text due to it not being interpreted in its original Hebrew language. This incorrect belief creates a conflict with the scientific discoveries by Hubble and Spitzer when there really is no conflict between these discoveries and the statements made in Genesis, on planet formation.
In Summary
Based on the collective discoveries of the Hubble and Spitzer telescopes about star and planet formation it becomes clear, that as a star forms in its early stages it produces a proto-planetary disc of dust and debris. Inside this disc is where planets form from the dust and debris clumping together as they revolve around their central star in complete darkness to form the cores of planets. The early stages of this process correspond with Genesis 1:1 "Now the earth proved to be formless and waste there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep".
As time passed the planet grew in size much like a snow ball rolling in the snow. The larger the planet grew, the more dust and debris it sucked up until it became like a giant vacuum sweeper sucking up all the dust between it and the sun. In time as the dust was sucked up. The planet slowly matured and became covered with water and thick clouds. In time diffused light began to filter through to earth’s surface corresponding to day one of Genesis 1:3 "Let there be light."
In the gradual and final stages, as the planets around our sun matured, they sucked up most of the dust in the solar system. Eventually Solar wind from the Sun created the Heliosphere and swept away the remaining gas and dust from the proto-planetary disc into interstellar space, ending the planetary formation process with only the Kuiper belt left over. This allowed the direct light from the already existing sun, moon, and stars to become visible as seen from earth.
This stage corresponds to day four of Genesis 1:16, "And God proceeded to make ('a•sah'_bring forth) the two great luminaries (ma•'ohr), the greater luminary for dominating the day and the lesser luminary for dominating the night, and also the stars."
The perception by many has been that the earth was created first, and the sun, moon, and stars, were created later on day four. These discoveries by Hubble and Sptizer on proto–planetary disc bring clarity to this account, and unravel the mystery as to what this seemingly confusing scriptural text meant. It shows that the sun began to form first, then the earth formed from leftover dust and debris prior to day one, and light emerge from the sun slowly, some diffused light by day one, full light by day four, allowing the already existing sun, moon and stars to finally be visible from earth.
When one views the videos and images produced by NASA, and research the supporting data on proto-planetary disc it is easy to see that the chain of events took place just as the Genesis account describes it in its original Hebrew worded context.When viewed in this context there is no conflict between the Bible and todays science, thus validating the Bible account of planet formation to be scientifically accurate!
This presentation is based on the studies of proto-planetary disc and does not go beyond day four of the Genesis account, and does not include any data or suggest how complex life came into existence. This study does show however, that when weighing the Genesis account about how complex life formed, against today’s science, one must take into account the context of the original Hebrew wording describing the events that accrued on days five and six, to arrive at the correct understanding of what the Genesis account actually conveys!
Learn How Hubble Reveals Creation.
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Are All Christians Appointed as a Watchman?
by Chris Tann inthis is a question i have been trying to answer.
at the branch visit yesterday, morris discussed eze.33,about ,how if we do not preach we are bloodguilty.
i would like very much people who are well informed on this topic to show me a thorough scriptual answer.
Chris Tann
Thank you all for your valuable input. To Just Kidding: it appears in Ezekiel that this is God's standard at anytime a judgement is coming and someone is appointed to warn about it.
Are All Christians Appointed as a Watchman?
by Chris Tann inthis is a question i have been trying to answer.
at the branch visit yesterday, morris discussed eze.33,about ,how if we do not preach we are bloodguilty.
i would like very much people who are well informed on this topic to show me a thorough scriptual answer.
Chris Tann
Leaving_quietly: yes, good points. I have noticed in the epistles that preaching was primarily assigned by God to apostles and possibly the older men (elders). In these letters there is alot of admonition to the flock,but I never come across encouragement for them to continually preach. Even Paul said not ALL are evangilizers or teachers.
Also, one has to be sure that the end is near. I tend to agree with preterism,so I don't see that a cataclysmic end is impending. Therefore no need to sound a warning, but to make disciples. Thanks for your sincere answer.
Laika: Thanks, I will look into this today.
Are All Christians Appointed as a Watchman?
by Chris Tann inthis is a question i have been trying to answer.
at the branch visit yesterday, morris discussed eze.33,about ,how if we do not preach we are bloodguilty.
i would like very much people who are well informed on this topic to show me a thorough scriptual answer.
Chris Tann
This is a question I have been trying to answer. At the branch visit yesterday, Morris discussed Eze.33,about ,how if we do not preach we are bloodguilty. I would like very much people who are well informed on this topic to show me a thorough scriptual answer. Please no sarcasm or anti Christian coments, I would very much appreciate this. Thank you.